Sunday, July 20, 2008

just came from pitchfork

dear hipsters,

if you are enjoying a show, you should show it by, say, dancing or if not that than gently tapping your running short clad leg or even rhythmically twitching your mustachioed lip instead of crossing your arms over your ironic prairie view elementary class of '06 tee while looking aloof in your retro neon green sunglasses.


p.s. don't worry, i still want to do you, until you acknowledge me in any way. let's be honest, you're just not as good at talking as you are at silently judging everyone around you.


Matt! said...

I was really sad I didn't have my camera; I wanted to photograph the forest of bikes tied to every stationary object within 100 feet of the park. Oh well.

It was nice seeing you.

Ashley said...

yeah, but what's a little cock-n-balls between friends?
