so i haven't posted in a while because i keep waiting, hoping that i'll be able to post that i'm employed. i'm not, but other stuff's been going on, too.
- i've been looking for a job
- had one interview for a place that's very far away.
- the guy said i was awesome and i'd totally fit in there and there'd be dancing in meadows and copious drinking and laughing and all would be merry.
- i didn't get it because i live far away and would have to bike through kinda seedy parts of town late at night and he was concerned with my "safety."
- sigh.
- talked to a few places around where i live
- they aren't hiring
- i feel like a chode giving people my resume
- gotta keep on keeping on, i suppose
- chicago's amazing
- i've been trying to get out
- went to Beirut, which was amazing, as is the new album
- went to a bike workshop for girls and trans only, it was cool, learned about my bike, got to talk to some nifty bike girls
- i think i've been to every yarn store in the city of chicago, yarn is my friend
- dr. furey recommended some places to check out, i'm psyched about exploring, but still don't know how much i'll actually do before i get a job
- yay crafts!
- i finished my fingerless gloves, it took a little experimenting with the pattern though since i have freakishly long hands. i feel more confident about tackling some harder patterns.
- now i'm making a chain. it's a fun pattern and it'll be my first felting experience.
- knitting in public seems to be the most surefire way to get strangers to talk to you, short of having a small child or puppy. for once in my life, i like strangers talking to me.
well, i'm off to a flea market type thing at a local venue. much love to all.
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