Thursday, October 23, 2008

surprise, surprise

every time i try to tinker with my bike, i get half way through only to realize i need some tool or random bolt. sometimes, i get lucky and realize sooner, but normally that only means i'll run into another problem later on.

tonight, i was attempting to convert my 10-speed to a 5-speed by taking off the smaller chainring but discovered i needed smaller chainring bolts:

they are necessary in order to make these:

come together as this:

but tomorrow, hopefully, i'll get moving early enough to make it happen and make my bike once again rideable which will make me happy. plus i got to use my brand new (like most of my tools) crank puller, the tool you use for taking off the arm of the pedals.

yesterday, i finally finished changing out the front brake system. my old brakes were old and unreliable which are not the most desirable of traits for brakes to be. the project was way over my head but with enough time and trips to home depot, i figured it out which made my feel like a badass.

in conclusion, bike repair is fun.