Tuesday, May 13, 2008

these days.

things i've learned recently:

  • flying standby largely isn't worth it. the money you save on flying is spent on overpriced airport drinks to pass the time (and by "you" i mean "me")
  • columbus, ohio is a cute little town, with a number of veggie/vegan restaurants
  • i should always live in a place with a maximum of small local businesses and a minimum of large chain restaurants
  • the more i work in mis-managed businesses, the more i think i'm doomed to open one of my own just to satisfy some urge for completion in myself
  • i'm far too judgmental for internet dating. my criteria for attraction are based way too much on physical presence for me to put any more stock into it. it has been an interesting experiment in human nature though. also, i really dislike casual dating. it's weird and exhausting and there's too much expectation.
  • i'm getting ansy, something's gotta change soon.

does anyone want to start an art project with me? stop, collaborate, and listen. so i had this idea today at work thinking about how everybody likes getting mail but rarely sends any. i was wondering what the response would be like to mail random people across the city or country things. i'd like to send random people packages of who knows what, whatever i feel like i guess with the goal of them mailing back me and someone else who would mail them and someone else, and so on. i don't know the best way to go about this, if i should get people's names off the yellow pages or if i should solicit them from the internet. in any event, i'd like to set up some sort of website for people who receive packages to go to and read about the concept and hopefully upload their own thoughts and pictures and for them to, in turn, mail the person that mailed them and someone else. what do you guys think? any input, ideas, how would you respond to mail from a stranger? do you want to help? what do you think?

much much love.
i leave you with this: