Monday, February 11, 2008

i should be in bed (again)

so, i really hate talking about the weather because i feel it's the quintessential boring conversation topic, but just once more. (i'm probably lying about that, but a girl can dream, right?)

there's some thing about seeing a negative sign in front of the temperature that drives home what 'cold' really means. especially when that temperature happens to be composed of double digits, double digits that start with a 2. g'damn. today i saw a car that was frozen into a sunken parking space. it's wheel was half submerged in ice. i took pictures on my phone but i'm not sure how to get those to the internet for your viewing pleasure.

and i just found a picture my brother took of himself with my phone while i was home. it reminds me of when my mom packed a picture of the family with a box of my stuff when i first moved off to school. i love my family. they are wonderful and if you haven't met them, you should. you can come over next christmas and play board games with us. they more the merrier.

so i've been crafts a bit recently, knitting, glass work, sewing, and i made a necklace, too. if you are interested in seeing pictures, they're up on my space.

life's good for the most part. working, reading, getting out. i could do all three more and i'd be happier, but it's still pretty good.


Unknown said...

negative temperatures are mind-blowing and soul-crushing at the same time. talking about the weather is something you have to do. february is the worst.